time spent offline

(re)discovering the pleasures of the offline world

Demons hate fresh air

I read Austin Kleon’s Keep Going: 10 Rules for Staying Creative in Good Times and Bad for the third time this year. It’s that good. Kleon is one of my favorite writers and bloggers. When I discovered him earlier last year, I read his blog all the way back to 2012 and devoured four of his books in quick succession. His work is terrific and inspiring, with timeless advice for readers. I came across the quote demons hate fresh air in Keep Going and it has stuck with me ever since: “No matter what time you get out of bed, go for a walk and then work, [Ingmar Bergman] would say, because the demons hate it when you get out of bed, demons hate fresh air.

I discovered the beauty of going for long walks and enjoying fresh air during one desperate day in quarantine. Who else remembers those long dark days of endless Netflix shows and excessive drinking in quarantine? That fateful day, my ex and I went for what we taught would be a short walk with his dog. A few blocks in, he asked if we should start walking back home but I wanted to keep going, so we kept on walking, block after block. It was a lot of fun. For the rest of quarantine, we spent most of our days going on long walks, covering 4 to 8 miles each time. We discovered neighbourhoods, parks, restaurants, shops. It was a great adventure. Not only did those long walks made our time in quarantine tolerable, but we got in the habit of going on long walks. It became our most cherished and favourite way to spend time together.

As Henry David Thoreau reminds us, “it is a great art to saunter!”

Going for a walk and immersing my senses in nature is the best way I have found to deal with negative moods and general lethargy. It is what keeps me going. A walk in nature is an antithesis to the blues. Solo or with your beloved, go for a leisure walk. Pay attention and notice how amazing the things you are so used to are; the sky, the trees, birds chirping, pretty flowers. Leave your phone behind. Besides going for leisure walks, I try to incorporate walks into my daily commute. If you take public transportation, get off a stop or two before your destination, or park your car a block or two away and walk the rest of the way. Ignore your phone. Whatever works for you, find a way to incorporate daily walks into your routine because the demons hate it when you go outside: The demons hate fresh air.

Until next time,

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2 responses to “Demons hate fresh air”

  1. I enjoy your writting style. Plain and simpe. Keep up good work!


    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment 🙂


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